Sunday, September 6, 2009

BLAST FROM THE PAST pt. 7 (and 8)


I have also seen Japanese people do it. Very rarely, but it's happened! I even heard one guy singing along with the music!

However, at this point I can't even remember it happening in America. I'm sure there must have been a reason I said this.

Also, after rereading this, I'm sure I'm weird, probably unique. In fact, I have no doubt.

03/28/09 - TIME TO RELAX... OR NOT

I noticed something strange today. Japanese people don't... move to the music when they're out and about. With headphones on, I can and will tap my hands or feet to the beat, or perhaps mouth the words to the song. Sometimes I'll even make up my own beats to go with the songs. Japanese people... don't do any of this. When they're listening to music on the train, they just sit or stand there. Totally stoic. No movement at all related to the music. Of course, then there are people who play DS or PSP or phone games.

For the first time today I listened to music on the train and I felt out of place if I tapped even just my thumb and finger together to the beat.

Eh. No big.

What was big was karaoke. Did some of that today. Two and a half hours of nine of us singing (or refusing to sing). Way more fun than I expected, although nine of us stuffed into that tiny room was kind of hot. Still, much much better than singing in a public karaoke bar like it's done in America. Do not like that at all.

Best part is rapping when you don't know how the song goes!

Genius idea #1 that would never work: make people pay to use escalators in Japan. TEN YEN A POP, BABY. Teehee.

Side note: Really looking forward to Hakone tomorrow. I've seen enough of the big city for now. Goddamn.

Further side note: Have an "interview" on Monday, but not really? With some dude from the Japan American Foundation. There's no guarantee I even CAN get a job there yet, but I'm meeting him anyway, just in case. I actually have some hope left in my tiny, shriveled heart. I'm surprised. Though I'm a little miffed about how much I'll be making compared to how much I'd have to spend for the job -- end up with only about $100 a month. For six months. $600. As opposed to the scholarship which would get me $1000 for three months with no work. (But I'd have to be in class...) I'm a bit bitter.

Oops. A rant. Blech.


And here's the next day because, LAFF, it's one line. I of course went later. Also, if I had been less depressing, I might have mentioned that the day we didn't go to Hakone was the same day I first ate McDonald's in Japan. A MOMENTOUS OCCASION IF I EVER HEARD ONE.

03/29/09 - A FAILURE OF A TRIP

No Hakone. Oh well.

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