Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The beginning

Oops I fell and dropped something.

THAT'S RIGHT. A cube. An orange cube. I followed Pixelblink's tutorials. I stuck with orange 'cause I like orange, too!

I also did his second tutorial.

This kind of stuff is pretty easy. But what will I do when I have to make something complicated that's not all angles! That's the difficult stuff! A teapot? A dog? A giant monster with tentacles going every which way?!

Oh well, I'll jump that hurdle when I reach it. For now I'm enjoying it. Hurray!

Now what should I make next...


  1. Really, the simple solution here is to just make sure that the setting of your game is a world where only right angles can be made!

  2. Hey, none of those angles are 90 degrees! Pay attention!
