Monday, October 19, 2009


Back in the swing o' things, m'self.

That is to say, back in the swing o' not really bein' in the swing o' things. It makes perfect sense if you think about it. I promise.

Two weekends ago, I went backpacking. One weekend ago, I partied with some friends I haven't seen for a long while (with the exception of two: one who is in a few of my classes and the other who I saw not long after I returned to America). The party was fun. Cops were called. We were too loud, I guess.

But the backpacking was the real trip! Pun not intended, but most definitely acknowledged. We went to Red River Gorge and stayed one night.

I mean, prior to backpacking, the last outdoorsy shindig I was involved with was climbing Mt. Fuji. We all know how that went. This was on a whole a much more pleasant and enjoyable experience. Everything I did, I did with people of a like mind, but it was also a beginner's backpacking trip. Perfect for people like me, who maybe went camping a bunch as a young'un but haven't been around a campfire for years (bonfires don't count), let alone slept outside!

I need to make a habit of this shit, yo.

Naturally, I took my camera. Here is my favorite picture...


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