Saturday, December 5, 2009

I have a rice cooker

I have a rice cooker. I have had a rice cooker for a little over a month now, it must be. I use it to cook rice! It is also possible to steam veggies 'n' things using the rice cooker. You can even do it while you cook the rice! If you want!!

I have actually only used it three times total since I got it. Not because I'm lazy or anything, but because I don't have a convenient place to plug it in. My little kitchenette has no outlet. Unlike my friend's apartment just down the hallway. He has an outlet. His outlets also have three holes - that is to say, ground. None of my outlets have three holes. They all have two holes.

I think my hardwood floor is also older than his.

I would like to use the rice cooker more. I would like to know how to prepare an actual meal, too, instead of just a bowl of rice. I mean, don't get me wrong; a bowl of rice is pretty great! But as a meal it is rather bland, yes? Maybe I could teach myself how to make sushi. I'd love some sushi right about now.

But enough about sushi! Let's talk about my cooking abilities.

They are essentially non-existent. I can make pancakes using Bisquik. I can fry an egg. I can... well, that about sums it up. I don't consider using the rice cooker a skill. Maybe you do. I don't. Oh, I did make some tacos. Rather simple tacos, mind you, but tacos nonetheless. It wasn't very difficult. Thaw meat in microwave, throw on pan, fry 'til not pink, add seasoning, stir, fry a little more. Once the meat was done I nuked a tortilla shell for a few seconds and wrapped some meat and cheese in it. Repeat until full. Not difficult, still tasty.

But not tasty enough.

I'm thinking about trying my hand at egg salad. It looks simple enough. I just need to procure the ingredients. I also really, really want to eat some mabodofu - it is my favorite Chinese dish that is available in Japan and not available in America. I think I'll try to make that, too...

I have a rice cooker. It is the beginning of the end. Further posts on this topic will be less boring. I promise.

P.S., I totally made some biscuits earlier, using one of those ready-to-bake Pillsbury things, and it exploded on me when I opened it because I forgot I had it out of the fridge for a while. I am going places.

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