Thursday, July 16, 2009

The workplace.

An ever-dreadful place for anyone who doesn't enjoy their job. I went in today expecting to be given a task I would not enjoy and my prediction came true in spades. Research. About enterprise search engines.

I knew going in that this would not be the job for me. It is basically the complete opposite of what I enjoy. Well, to be honest, I don't know what I enjoy in the computer science field anymore, BUT if there was anything I knew for sure I absolutely did NOT enjoy it would be IT. It just ain't for me, Sparky.

Oddly, though, the day was full of ups and downs. I was invited to not one, but two soirees. One is at the end of the month on a Friday and I assume there will be much partaking of the alcohol as we watch fireworks! The other is at the beginning of next month and takes place at the beach! I was informed it was a farewell party for one of my coworkers and a welcoming party for me! How nice of them! Can I possibly use more exclamation points?! Yes!

So basically while I have a distaste for my job they sure are doing their best to make me feel welcome at my workplace. This is not unexpected, as I knew a bit about the Japanese work culture going in. Still, it's nice!

And who knows, maybe I will get over this newest negativity hump and learn to enjoy my job eventually. I can only hope.

1 comment:

  1. how exciting, parties! i think they will be fun especially in their awkwardness. eat and drink and be merry, baka gaijin.
